Jacka, Samuel
(aged 57 years)
Samuel Jacka Dead. It was a painful surprise to this community on Tuesday morning to learn the Mr. Samuel Jacka had died the evening previous at his farm home in the town of Mineral Point, in the neighborhood known as Graysville. It has been the privilege of the writer to know Mr. Jacka from early manhood, and through all these many years to note his strict integrity, and other manly virtues. Through untiring industry and judicious economy he had won success and independence as a farmer, under circumstances which only a few so well meet and overcome. His widow and children who must deeply mourn for the devoted husband and father, have the consolation of knowing that their sorrow is appreciated by hundreds who knowing him can estimate the greatness of their loss.
Although he had not been well for some time, there was no apprehension that death was near until a few hours before it came. Monday morning Mr. Jacka intended coming to the city to consult a physician, but feeling scarcely able for the short journey concluded instead to send for a physician to call on him. Dr. McDonald was therefore summoned, who immediately saw that the afflicted man had but a few hours more to live, and advised him to adjust his business affairs at once. Attorney A. S. White was called in, some legal papers drawn for Mr. Jacka's signature, and by 4 o'clock of the same day his spirit had fled. He was about 57 years of age, and had resided in the vicinity where death found him from boyhood. The funeral yesterday, the 10th, was largely attended, services being held in the P.M. church; and burial in the city cemetery. Mineral Point Tribune July 7, 1895