Accession Log

The Mineral Point Library Archives has received 723 donations of documents, books and photographs from 451 people through the end of 2021. The first gift came in 1964 from the family of David and Thomas Jones. The next gift was a large number of historical documents, maps, photographs and books from Robert Neal in 1980. It was this gift that started the Mineral Point Library Archives. People from near and far have contributed material that helps us preserve and tell the story of Mineral Point’s rich history and heritage. We are very grateful for their generosity and foresight.

If you take the time to read the new “Accession Log,” please let us know if you have any information that would make it more accurate. The spelling of names, unknown first names (especially married women’s first names) and the identity of the donors of material who are now “unknowns” would all be helpful. If you know of a gift that doesn’t appear in this Log, please let us know that too. You may email
us at

This Log was compiled over the last year and a half. We now have a professional system in place for tracking all gifts and we look forward to fine-tuning this list in the coming year. A copy of the Mineral Point Library Archives Collection Policy can be seen here. Thank you for any information you can add.