1982 - Neal, Hellum, Penberthy (Part 3)

1888. Jeuck’s is remembered by Penberthy
and Neal in part 3 of the interview.
Neal, Hellum, and Penberthy continue their discussion of early days in Mineral Point in Part 3 of a conversation from Feb 14, 1982. The interview is lead by Jack Holzhueter of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin and includes information about the Vivian family, who were related to the Neals, early drugstores in Mineral Point, grocery stores, particularly Jeuck’s grocery, and the transition from horses to automobiles as well as vignettes of Hellum’s early life in Stoughton, Wisconsin.
The original audio files were digitized in 2016 and 2017 by Dorothea Salo and students Courtney Becks and Logan Rains from the Recover Analog and Digital Data (RADD) project, part of the School of Library & Information Studies (SLIS) Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison under a grant from Ira and Ineva Reilly Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment.